Educating and empowering you to achieve net zero with emission management solutions

Carbon calculating simplified, to solve a complex problem

Our Climate Zero software makes it easy for organisations of any size to accurately measure and report on emissions across Scope 1,2 and 3. Our robust emissions calculation engine is built to global standards and uses a combination of activity-based and spend-based methods.

Macbook screen with graphs showing on a dashboard screen

Climate education made easy

Our Climate Literacy Training, is a six-part self-paced online course, backed by leaders in the climate industry. It’s designed to educate and empower businesses and their employees to embark on their journey towards achieving net zero emissions. Learn more

Net zero is the new normal

Businesses are critical in the fight against climate change as they are the source of most of the world’s emissions.

Future proof your business for sustainability reporting requirements and mandatory climate-related financial disclosures. Engage with your suppliers’ requests for emission data and respond to investor expectations.

  • Remain competitive and viable in the net zero economy
  • Future-proof your business against the rising costs of carbon and volatile markets impacted by climate change
  • Engage and retain your employees with your commitment to sustainability
  • Quickly and safely become compliant and meet any new mandatory climate reporting requirements
  • Establish your position as a climate leaders, instead of playing catch up when regulations change.

4 in 5
People think businesses should be taking action to support their environment

3 in 5
People actively look for brands that take environmental action

6 in 10
Customers will pay more for sustainable products and services

Company’s greenhouse gas emissions are in their supply chain

Group of nine people standing with plants and wooden panels behind

A team of specialists making an impact

Climate Zero is a product suite by Impact Sustainability. Founded in 2009 by Hayley Morris, launching our first carbon accounting software. We identified a barrier for companies to start understanding their impact on climate change was the ability to accurately measure emissions.

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